Students will be able to identify what a pilgrim is and what it was like to travel on The Mayflower. Materials: If You Sailed on The Mayflower in 1620 by Ann McGovern blue paper boat shapes craft sticks triangle shapes glue sentence strips Lesson Plan: Using the book as a guide discuss What is a Pilgrim? […]
Thanksgiving Quilt
Students create their own quilt square showing what they are thankful for and assemble into a class quilt. Materials: felt, cut 9″ x 9″ for each student large piece of felt fabric glue Lesson Plan: Begin the lesson by brainstorming a class list of things your students are thankful for. Provide each student with a […]
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie… Sequencing Wheel Activity
My favorite book is one in a series by Numeroff, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, where the children design their own story, using a literature “wheel” and fill in each part of the wheel with the next thing the mouse will want. The top portion of the wheel is turned to see the […]
Let’s Talk Teeth Dental Health Unit
This unit includes both primary and intermediate activities for a dental health/teeth study. UNIT ACTIVITIES Make a Tooth Model Make a Book The Tooth Fairy Came Last Night – Poem My Teeth Chant Play a Game Teeth Graph Make a Tooth Model You will need: marshmallows and toothpicks INTERMEDIATE For older children, supply them with fresh […]
Guided Reading Lesson for If You Give A Mouse a Cookie
This lesson will help students to make predictions using the pictures and the text. It will also help them with sequencing and recognizing words. Materials: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie – Hardcover or Big Book A teacher “cookie jar” costume a mouse costume charts with cookie maps markers – two different colors sentence strips with […]
Main Idea Activity
Children will be able to indentify the main idea of a story by writing a title and drawing a picture that goes with the title. Materials: You can use any story book chart paper white drawing paper markers and crayons. Zip lock bag pen, pencil, and paper stamp Lesson Plan: Have the children sit together […]
Halloween Candy Sort
A post-Halloween math activity that uses sorting, classification, and a Venn Diagram. Materials: a large piece of butcher paper candy wrappers Lesson Plan: Have students bring in a variety of candy wrappers after Halloween. As a class, sort the candy wrappers into groups (tootsie rolls, chocolate candy, chewy candy, hard candy, candy bars, etc.) As […]
Book Caterpillar Classroom Display
Make a caterpillar to display in the classroom or hallway showing each book that has been read. Parents can see the books the kids have been reading! Materials: Construction paper in a variety of colors. Black permanent marker Titles of books that have been read to the class. Plan: Use something large and round to […]
Body Outlines
Students will make life-size body outlines. Objectives: To learn about the parts of the body. Materials: large sheets of butcher block paper (child-sized) crayons black permanent marker Lesson Plan: Have each child lay down on a piece of butcher block paper. Tell the children that you are going to draw the outline of their bodies, […]
Apples and Seasons
Use the apple tree, and The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons to teach seasonal changes. Objectives: To introduce the students to the idea that apples grow on trees and that these apple trees change as the seasons change. To provide a creative art experience for the students. To practice listening to and […]
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