Spring Egg Art Activity


CONCEPTS/SKILLS:  Shapes (Oval), Patterns & Art Media


  • Students will create a spring egg out of pastels, construction paper and glue.
  • Students will create and continue a pattern.
  • Students will experience a different type of art media.


  • Black Construction Paper (8 1/2 x 11)
  • One Bottle of Elmer’s or Sparkle Glue per student
  • One Box of Pastels (Colored Chalk) Per Table Group
  • One Bottle of Hair Spray
  • One Pencil Per Student
  • Paint Shirts

Lesson Prep:

Cut a traceable, egg shape pattern out of thick, cardstock. The egg pattern should be as tall as an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of construction paper. Trace at least one onto black construction paper per student. A few extras wouldn’t hurt!

Lesson Plan Outline:


  1. Have the student’s close their eyes and imagine an Easter egg. Ask: What colors do you see on the egg? What patterns/shapes do you imagine on the egg? What colors do you usually associate with Easter? Make a list on the board. (Explain what pastels are.)
  2. Pass out the black construction paper with the egg outlined on it. Ask: What do you think you are going to do with this?
  3. First have the kids write their names on the back. Next, have them whisper draw (draw lightly) patterns inside the egg outline. Circles, straight and squiggly lines are all OK. Make sure that they don’t draw the lines to close together or spend too much time on their patterns.
  4. Next, have the students cover their pencil lines with a bead of glue. Set aside and let dry over night. The glue will dry clear. The next day they will fill in-between the lines with pastel colors.
  5. Review pastels.


  1. Create a pattern using students in front of the class. Example, line up a boy, girl, boy, girl, etc. Ask the remaining students to identify the pattern.
  2. Show a spring egg and the pastel chalk. Ask: How could you create a pattern using these pastels and the spring egg?
  3. Demonstrate how to fill in-between the dry, glued, lines with pastels to create a pattern. (This is messy! Paint shirts should be worn.)
  4. Pass out their egg patterns and one box of pastels per table group.
  5. Lay the eggs in a well-ventilated area and spray with hair spray. The hair spray sets the pastels and prevents it from rubbing off when touched.
  6. Mount the spring eggs onto construction paper for display.

Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
By: Terry Sayre

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