And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street Writing Activity


Students use And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss to write a story.


The students will listen to a story, then use the same format to write a class book.


And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss

writing paper

Lesson Plan:

First, introduce the story And to Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street. After reading the first two pages, stop and discuss what Marco must usually do when he gets home. Talk about what it means when the dad says he usually turns “minnows into whales”.

After reading the story, have the students think what they might see on their way home from school. What could look almost like that item in their imaginations?

Have each child write several sentences, ending with “And to think that I saw it all on ______ Street!” Bind into a class book.

I did this lesson with a group of second graders, many of whom were on a first grade level. I gave them the story frame below to copy and fill in the words. We used the name of the road that our school is on, since all students must travel on this road to get to our school. This could easily work for kindergarten also.

Here’s the form I used:

As I was on my way home from school, I saw a ______________. It couldn’t be a _________________. No, no. What I really saw was _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________. And to think that I saw it all on Jouett School Road!


Grade Level: K, 1-2
By: Susan M. Anderson, second grade teacher

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