An Apple a Day Student-Created Bulletin Board Activity

Don’t Miss:  Apple PrintablesApple Theme

Students learn about apples, then help create a bulletin board for the classroom.  This activity will enhance students’ skills with cutting, pasting, and painting.


  • small paper plates (1 for each student)
  • green construction paper squares
  • brown construction paper squares
  • red, green, and yellow paint

Lesson Plan:

  • Read an apple book. There are several out there: The Apple Pie Tree, The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree, etc.  Talk about the book you have read. Discuss what color apples are. How do they grow? How do they differ in taste?
  • Make paper plate apples with the children.
    • Have the children paint their paper plate apple whichever color is their favorite.
    • Set them aside to dry.
    • When dry, give the children a green and brown construction square. Tell them to cut a stem out of the brown and a leaf out of the green.
    • Glue stem onto the apple.
  • Decorate a bulletin board with a large tree.
    • I put the tree to one side and then make a construction paper fence along the bottom.
    • I make paper birds, a sun, and other things to add to the “country scene.”
    • Scatter the apples around on the bulletin board. I put some of them on the ground and some in the tree.

This makes a great bulletin board made by the children. This year I captioned it “An Apple a Day….” and then we talked about various phrases the children have heard with this in it… what good things an apple can do for you.  We graphed the different apples on the bulletin board.  We counted the apples in the tree, on the ground, etc.

Related Resources:

Apple Printables & Worksheets

Apple Theme Resources


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