The Cheeto Walk Learning Game


Students learn number recognition, following simple rules, and listening skills.


Number recognition, following simple rules, and listening skills


  • number cards made out of construction paper
  • tape
  • music
  • tape recorder
  • cheetos (or other edibles)
  • small pieces of paper with numbers matching the number cards
  • a container for small pieces of papers with the numbers

Lesson Plan:

  1. Make up number cards with construction paper.
  2. Write the numbers you are working on, on each paper. (Ex. 1 on one piece, 2 on another piece of construction paper).
  3. Tape the number cards to the floor in a square shape. (If you laminate the number cards, you get more use out of them).
  4. Make up small pieces of paper with numbers on it to match number cards.
  5. Place the small pieces of paper with numbers on them in the container.
  6. Have students each stand on a number.
  7. As the music plays, the students will walk around on the numbers.
  8. When the music stops (you control the music), you draw a number out of the container.
  9. Call out the number you drew, whoever is standing on the number, wins the Cheeto. (You can also use this activity for colors, shapes, alphabet).


The students love this game. They are learning and do not even know it.

By: K. Rhodes, Academic Support (K-6th grade) Teacher


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