Idea for displaying numbers and shapes on the wall. Objectives: To help children make a one to one correspondence with numbers. For example 10 = 10 items. Materials: Several patterns of shapes construction paper in a variety of colors numbers stenciled out and displayed on the wall. scissors to cut out the shapes tape to […]
Number Song
Use this song at circle time, calendar, or turn it into a class book! Objectives: Learning to count. Materials: A large sheet of butcher block paper Lesson Plan: On a large sheet of paper copy down this song. Add pictures of the animals in the song. Tune: The Twleve Days of Christmas Jim and Rosie […]
Making Apple Trees
The students will use apple theme to learn about math (or Johnny Appleseed theme) and practice rote counting. Objectives: The students will: use apple theme to learn about math (or Johnny Appleseed theme) practice rote counting. Materials: Red tissue paper several small sticks with some branches going out green playdough clear plastic cups with the […]
Apples and Counting Lesson
Using the apple theme to learn how to count. Objectives: The students will: use apple theme to learn about math (or Johnny Appleseed theme) practice rote counting Materials: Large tree made out of art paper or store bought one. Apple cut outs (10-20) Lesson Plan: During the month of September, we are talking about Johnny […]
Class Number Book
Students will practice counting to ten and one to one association. Materials: catalogs or magazines, such as Sears, Ltd and J.C. Penney scissors glue large pieces of construction paper of different colors Lesson Plan: Find large numbers in the catalogs or magazines. Use these to glue at the corner or center of each page of […]

Gingerbread Houses
This is a great activity for the week before winter vacation — very calming activity. Be sure to play soothing instrumental music during the building process. Objectives: listen to literature about the North Pole, bakeries, Mrs. Santa Claus, ginger bread. follow directions to assemble a gingerbread house out of icing, graham crackers and candy. write […]
Counting: Make a Cheerios Necklace
The students count to 10 or 20 by making Cheerios necklaces. This is also a good activity for developing fine motor skills. Objectives: To learn to count to 10 (preschool) or 20 (Kindergarten). Materials: Book: The Cheerios Counting Book construction paper squares numbered 1-10 or 1-20 cheerios yarn scissors Lesson Plan: PART 1: Read the […]
The Cheeto Walk Learning Game
Students learn number recognition, following simple rules, and listening skills. Objectives: Number recognition, following simple rules, and listening skills Materials: number cards made out of construction paper tape music tape recorder cheetos (or other edibles) small pieces of paper with numbers matching the number cards a container for small pieces of papers with the numbers […]
M & M Counting Chart
Children graph the M&Ms by color, graph their favorite color M and M as a class. Objectives: To learn how to count and to help reinforce colors. Materials: A small graph with the different colors of M and M’s Try this printable M & M Chart from A to Z Teacher Stuff M&M’s A large […]
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