Animals That Fly or Do Not Fly


Children classify animals according to if they can or cannot fly.


  • Two large sheets of white blank chart paper
  • Title one Animals That Can Fly and the other Animals That Cannot Fly.
  • Markers
  • Index cards with names of animals printed on them
  • pictures of animals from magazines

Lesson Plan:

  1. Take the two pieces of blank chart paper and hang them up on a wall.
  2. Discuss with the children how some animals fly and some do not.
  3. Ask children what they think the animals use to fly??? Are animals that fly very large animals? Why or why not??
  4. Have students start to give examples of animals that fly and animals that do not fly.
  5. Start writing down their examples on the chart paper.
  6. After all the children are done giving some examples then have the teacher or aid point to every answer on the chart paper and tell what that word is. For example hummingbird. They should point to the word and then say hummingbird.
  7. The teacher might also have the students tell her what the first letter in the name of the animal is.
  8. After the students are all done, try to find pictures of some of the animals in National Geographic magazines and glue them on the chart paper.
  9. Keep the chart up and talk to the children about the fact that they organized animals into two different categories: animals that fly and animals that do not fly.
  10. Explain to the children that this is called classification.
By: Debbie Haren, Preschool Teacher

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