This is a great activity for the week before winter vacation — very calming activity. Be sure to play soothing instrumental music during the building process. Objectives: listen to literature about the North Pole, bakeries, Mrs. Santa Claus, ginger bread. follow directions to assemble a gingerbread house out of icing, graham crackers and candy. write […]
Thanksgiving : The Mayflower
Students will be able to identify what a pilgrim is and what it was like to travel on The Mayflower. Materials: If You Sailed on The Mayflower in 1620 by Ann McGovern blue paper boat shapes craft sticks triangle shapes glue sentence strips Lesson Plan: Using the book as a guide discuss What is a Pilgrim? […]
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie… Sequencing Wheel Activity
My favorite book is one in a series by Numeroff, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, where the children design their own story, using a literature “wheel” and fill in each part of the wheel with the next thing the mouse will want. The top portion of the wheel is turned to see the […]
Let’s Talk Teeth Dental Health Unit
This unit includes both primary and intermediate activities for a dental health/teeth study. UNIT ACTIVITIES Make a Tooth Model Make a Book The Tooth Fairy Came Last Night – Poem My Teeth Chant Play a Game Teeth Graph Make a Tooth Model You will need: marshmallows and toothpicks INTERMEDIATE For older children, supply them with fresh […]
Guided Reading Lesson for If You Give A Mouse a Cookie
This lesson will help students to make predictions using the pictures and the text. It will also help them with sequencing and recognizing words. Materials: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie – Hardcover or Big Book A teacher “cookie jar” costume a mouse costume charts with cookie maps markers – two different colors sentence strips with […]
Book Caterpillar Classroom Display
Make a caterpillar to display in the classroom or hallway showing each book that has been read. Parents can see the books the kids have been reading! Materials: Construction paper in a variety of colors. Black permanent marker Titles of books that have been read to the class. Plan: Use something large and round to […]
Apple Exploration! Learning Centers
Find several center station activities for a theme on apples and Johnny Appleseed Materials: stories about Johnny Appleseed Book by Steven Kellogg, Johnny Appleseed, A Tall Tale (Click for Ordering Information: Hardcover or Big Book) Tasting Station : apples – 5 different kinds, cut up into small sections for eating Chart Paper set up and ready to graph apple […]
We Learn Our ABC’s Media Center Lesson
The children attend Library class for 30 min. each week. They learn the letters of the alphabet as well as learn to recognize words and objects that begin with those letters. They also learn how the library is organized. Materials: Patience, Love, Courage, and Determination poster board cut out in the bear pattern construction paper […]
Pumpkin Circuit Learning Centers
Set up pumpkin activities in a circuit. Cooperative groups rotate from station to station. This activity may be planned during a unit on pumpkins. I usually plan it toward the end of my unit on pumpkins in late October. Materials: A student record sheet on which information from each task is recorded 5 large sheets […]
Friendship Activities for The Rainbow Fish
Beginning of the year activity using The Rainbow Fish This is a great getting to know you activity for the beginning of the year! The students will see that everyone is special and has something unique to offer. Materials: The Rainbow Fish Big book paper fish scale for each student Blown up Fish on butcher […]
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