Making Mittens with The Mitten Book


Read and discuss the different animals in The Mitten book and then try to make mittens that are alike.


  • Construction paper with the outline of a pair of mittens drawn on it
  • glue
  • scissors
  • glitter
  • yarn
  • a copy of the book The Mitten by Jan Brett.


  1. Read the story The Mitten to the class.
  2. Discuss all the different animals in the book. Ask the children to raise their hands if they can name one of the animals in the book. Do this until they are all named.
  3. Explain that the children will be making a pair of mittens that look alike. Show them examples of mittens that look alike and examples that do not look alike.
  4. Have one student at a time come and cut out their mittens from the construction paper outlines.
  5. Have the teacher, or child, write their name on the bottom of the mittens.
  6. Have the child pick out the glitter he or she would like to use. Remind him or her to try to make the same pattern on both of the mittens.
  7. Put a hole in the bottom of the mittens and tie them together with a piece of yarn.
  8. Hang all the different mittens up on the bulletin board with a Xerox copy of the front of the book.
  9. Write a little sentence about their mittens!

Grade Level(s): Preschool
By: Debbie Haren, Preschool Teacher

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