Zoo Song Book


This activity is inspired by the book, Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell.


  • To learn what different types of zoo animals look like.
  • To learn descriptive words.


  • Butcher block paper
  • Markers
  • Magazine pictures of animals in the zoo

Lesson Plan:

Decide which verses from the song below to use in your book.

Write each verse on a piece of butcher block paper and find a picture of that animal in a magazine and glue it in the book.

  • I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me an elephant… He was too big so I sent him back!
  • I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me a tiger… He had too many stripes so I sent him back!
  • I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me a monkey… He was too jumpy so I sent him back!
  • I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me a bear… He was too furry so I sent him back!

Make up your own verses and add them on!


Super to read before going to the zoo!

Grade Level(s): Preschool
By: Debbie Haren, preschool teacher

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