Hanukkah Celebration with HanuKat


The Hanukat story provides an opportunity for the introduction of Hanukkah Holiday concepts. Below is a description of some of the ways HanuKat can be incorporated into your December Holiday activities.


The web site www.hanukat.com

Lesson Plan:

Read out loud the story of HanuKat from www.hanukat.com. For younger children, the story can be read over several days. For younger children, an explanation of the holiday (dreidel and menorah, etc.) can be delivered prior to reading the story.

After reading, the following listening comprehension questions can be asked:

What do the mice-like creatures resemble? (dreidels)
Why do you think the DreiDell live in glowing bubbles? (they turn into the lights of candles; Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights)
HanuKat is the maker of Miracles. How does this relate to Hanukkah? (Hanukkah is the celebration in thanks of the miracle that occurred long ago when a menorah with only one day; oil burned brightly for eight days)
What were some of the methods used by the DreiDells to get HanuKat to tell them how to spin? (whining, begging, trading)
How did Sarah figure out how to spin? (She did it herself & she used her head)
What does the image, when HanuKat and all the DreiDell are spinning, remind you of? (A menorah, with HanuKat as the shamash in the middle, and each of the eight DreiDell as one of the menorah candles).

Use the HanuKat activities as a follow-up to the story. Consider black-and-white versions so that students can color their own projects. Below is a description of each activity and how it can be used.

NIGHT 3: DIORAMA (older)
Materials: printed copies, shoe box, scissors, string, glue, paint. Students cut out background and characters then paste or hang in shoe box. The shoe box can also be painted to further enhance each child’s Dreamland.

NIGHT 4: ORIGAMI (older)
Materials: printed copies, scissors. Students cut out the origami square then follow step-by-step instructions to create a HanuKat finger puppet.

Materials: printed copies, crayons or markers. Students color in HanuKat and DreiDell scenes.

NIGHT 7: SPINNER (younger and older)
Materials: printed copies, scissors, tape or glue, pencils. Older students can cut out DreiDell ovals. Younger students can use precut ovals. Ovals are taped or glued back-to- back to the top of a pencil and the pencil is spun between palms to make the DreiDell spin.

Materials: printed copies, scissors, glue, string, beads (optional). Students cut out dreamcatcher pieces and assemble. Beads or other decorations can be added to the dreamcatcher strings.

The following HanuKat activities can be used by small groups of students as interactive activities:

Materials: printed copies. Students cut out the fortune teller and fold per instructions. The students can then take turn telling each other fortunes.

NIGHT 2: DREIDEL (younger and older)
Materials: printed copies, scissors, glue, pencil, “coins” for playing. Older students can cut out the dreidel then fold and paste per instructions. Younger and older students can play the game is small groups.

NIGHT 6: GAME (younger and older)
Materials: printed copies, scissors, glue, pawns. Older students can cut and assemble DreiDell eight-sided die. Younger student can play game with dice already created. Game can be played with 2-4 players per board.


We are not teachers, but rather, authors of the story and web site.

Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2, 3-5
By: Linda Yaman Haitani and Bruce Resnick

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