Day 3: Johnny Appleseed for Little Ones Theme Unit

Johnny Appleseed Unit:  Intro – Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3

Day 3 – Finish Johnny Appleseed Theme


Poem: ” Ten Red Apples” with hand motions

Ten red apples grow on a tree
Five for you and five for me
Help me shake the tree just so
And ten red apples down below
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10

Story –
Ten Apples up On Top by Dr Suess


Art –
• Make apple prints. Cut an apple in half crosswise. Use tempera paint and press onto paper.
• Make Johnny Appleseed puppets.

Math –
• Color Apple tree with 10 apples

Snack –
• Apple Muffins
• Make apple cider

Poem: Hot Apple Cider
Hand out on recipe cards in the shape of an apple with this poem on them to take home to mom and dad! (They can glue the poem on the apple as one of the activities).

Hot apple cider, hot apple pie,
Hot apple cider, my oh my!
Hot apple butter, hot apple crisp,
Hot apple butter, what a dish!
Hot apple muffins, hot apple tart,
Hot apple muffins they steal my heart!
Hot apple toppings, hot applesauce,
If you don’t like apples, oh what a loss!


Finish movie “Johnny Appleseed”.

Johnny Appleseed Unit:  Intro – Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3


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