Earth Day Songs & Poems


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
(Tune: The More We Get Together)

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Recycle, recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It’s easy to do
‘Cause your trash
And my trash
Make up way
Too much trash
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
It’s easy to do!

Trash is Blowing All Around
(Tune: London Bridge)

Trash is blowing all around,
All around, all around,
Trash is blowing all around
All around the town.

Let’s get busy and pick it up,
Pick it up, pick it up.
Let’s get busy and pick it up,
All around the town.

Get a trash bag and put it in,
Put it in, put it in.
Get a trash bag and put it in,
All around the town.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
(Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider)

Reduce, reuse, recycle; words that we all know.
We have to save our planet so we can live and grow.
We might be only children, but we will try, you’ll see.
And we will save the planet; it starts with you and me!

We’ve Been Working on Recycling/Reducing/Reusing
(Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad)

We’ve been working on recycling everything we can,
We’ve been working on recycling, it’s a very simple plan.
Separate your glass and paper, your plastic and your tin.
Take the trash that you’ve recycled to your recycling bin.

We’ve been working on reducing everything we can.
We’ve been working on reducing, it’s a very simple plan.
Don’t get things if you won’t use them; get only what you need.
Don’t buy things in extra wrapping; reduce and you’ll succeed!

We’ve been working on reusing everything we can.
We’ve been working on reusing, it’s a very simple plan.
If it’s a bag you’re using, make sure you use it twice.
Give away old toys and clothes; reusing is so nice!

Put Trash in the Trash Can
(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

Litter is trash that wasn’t put away,
Wasn’t put away, wasn’t put away,
Litter is trash that wasn’t put away,
In the trash can.

I put my trash in the trash can,
The trash can, the trash can,
I put my trash in the trash can,
Right where it belongs!

Every Day is Earth Day
(Tune: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad or Chant) 

Reduce, reuse and recycle
Each and every day
We can help to save the planet
Every day is Earth Day!

Our Earth

The Earth is ours to enjoy
For every little girl and boy.
But we must always be aware.
That all its beauty we must share
With all the children yet to come,
Who want to laugh and play and run
Around the trees and in the fields.

So we must keep our planet free
From messy trash and debris
With air that’s clean and fresh and clear
For all to breathe from year to year.
We must never ever abuse
Our sweet Earth that’s ours to use.

This Old Earth
(Tune: This Old Man)

This old earth
Needs our help
To stay fresh and clean and green
With a pick it up; pitch it in; and throw it in the can–
This old earth needs a helping hand!

Songs & Poems @ Other Sites

Earth Day Songs, Poems and Fingerplays (

Earth Day Poems, Quotes, and Songs – Printables, too!  (

Earth Day Every Day – Song lyrics and tune

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