The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities


A variety of activities having to do with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.


Affective goals-

The student will:

  • possess a different outlook on eating (nutrition)
  • become familiarized with the days of the week
  • learn about the different seasons
  • be able to predict
  • reflect on their own lives, what they eat, and what they do.


Lesson Plan:

  1. Introducing Book: The children will be introduced to the book by the front cover. There will be some pre-reading questions: “What do you think the book is about?” “What do caterpillars do?”
  2. Discussion of pictures: There will be some questions: “Have you ever seen a caterpillar with so many colors?” “How big is a caterpillar? Is it as big as big as this book?”
  3. Presenting story to children: I will start off by reading the page and slowly showing the picture to the students. I have selected three different pages to ask a question “What day do you think is next?” on page 4, “What else do you think the caterpillar will eat?” on page 6, “What will happen when the caterpillar is full?” on page 8.
  4. Procedures for reviewing the story: I will ask questions like “Can anyone tell me what the story was about?” “ Can anyone act out the story for me?” “What word did you see and hear that was repeated?” “Was the word ON repeated on every page?”
  5. Vocabulary selected for children: On, Apple, Ate, Spring, and all the days of the week.
  6. Procedures for helping children acquire words selected: The students will make a book about themselves and what they ate on different days of the week. This will allow the students to master the long and short A vowel sound, because they will have to use the word ON, in every page and the word ATE. They will get accustoms to writing and pronouncing them.
  7. Procedures for helping review/rehearse words acquired: Each student will read the book they have made to family and friends, this will be homework. In class they might also have to read the book to the class.
  8. Procedures for reviewing words: After writing all the vocabulary words on the board, the teacher will then go over the words and pronounce the words with the class.
  9. Phonics Pattern selected: A vowel sound (short and long).
  10. Procedures for teaching phonics part of lesson: We will go over words that have a long A sound and words that have a short A sound. We will go over this by finding words that have an A vowel. They will have to cut out words from old magazines that have the letter A and glue on it on a chart that says either A sound or no A sound. Then, as a class we will go over the A vowel sound and decide whether it is short or vowel. The whole class will be making the long/short A sound out loud. The children will learn from and enjoy this activity.
  11. Alternative activities for children not doing phonics part of lesson: These students will be doing similar activities. They will be cutting out their spelling words from magazines and gluing them on a paper in alphabetical order. They will have to find each spelling word three times. So instead of writing them they are touching them, gluing them, and finding them.
  12. Extension Activity: Using class made wooden spoons, the students will do a play, using the wooden spoons as puppets. The students will do a play based on the school and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They will modify the story and make their own, using the school and classroom as the setting.
  13. Procedures for teaching extension activity: The class will first make the wooden spoons personalized using different color yarn and glue. The eyes on the spoons will be done by the teacher using markers. Then after they finish the puppets they will in groups put together a one minute puppet show. They will then write letters of invitation to the principal and assistant principals to invite them to our classroom to see the puppet show. Writing the letter will help the students will see how a letter is written. Each student will write their own letter/ or the teacher will put together a letter made by the students, but written by the teacher and then have all the students sign the letter. This puppet show will probably take place after the students have learned all the vowel sounds.
  14. Procedure for evaluating children’s learning: Their grade will be based on both my observation during the puppet show and their grade on a teacher made test.
  15. Procedure for getting grade for each child engaged in lesson: Each student will receive either a A, C, or F for the puppet activity using a rubric. For the test they will receive a grade based on the number of correct responses. For the book, they will receive a grade based on completion of both the homework assignment and the book itself.


I completed this lesson in a first grade classroom. Being that I am about to start my internship… I have done many lessons in many different grade levels. I hope you enjoy the many lessons I plan to continue submitting :)

Grade Level(s): K, 1-2
By: Jeanette Matas From FIU

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