Folktale Unit: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs


To help kids create their own versions of stories and learn to write a letter. The format for a letter is very important and also addressing an envelope can also be taught if time permits.


Lesson Plan:

      1. First read the story of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
      2. Discuss the differences in this story with the original version that the kids remember. If there is time, the teacher can also then read the original version for the kids and they will probably be able to pick out more differences.
      3. Discuss with the students what perspective means.
      4. Discuss whose perspective the original story was written by and whose perspective The True Story of the Three Little Pigs was told by. Are they different or the same?
      5. What were the lessons learned in these stories? Who learned some valuable lessons?
      6. If the Wolf did not die in the story, what do you think should happen to him? Do you think he should have to do community service? Write apology letters to everyone? Go to jail for 5 years? What do you think would be appropriate punishment?


    1. Pass out a copy of a sample of a friendly letter.
    2. Show the children where everything goes in this kind of a letter and how nice and neat it makes the letter look.
    3. Explain to the class that this kind of letter is a friendly letter and there are many different kinds of letters such as formal memo, cover letter, and business letter.
    4. Explain to the class that they are going to write a letter to the wolf from whichever character they want. They can pretend to be Red Riding Hood, the Huntsman, Grandma, or another creature in the woods that might have seen the whole story unfold from his perch on a branch. They can make up a character if they relate well to the story.
    5. The letter can be about how this character felt about what the wolf did and what they think should be his punishment.
    6. Tell the kids to be creative and talk about it with each other a few minutes before they start writing.
    7. Remind the students to use their best handwriting and to take their time.
    8. It would probably be helpful to make up a friendly letter on the board with kids and have them tell you where to start and end.
    9. Have them turn in their work when they are done or take it home if they do not get done, and at the end of the next day read them out loud. The stories and punishments the kids come up with are really funny and very creative!

Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
By: Debbie Haren, Preschool Teacher

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