Alphabet Learning Centers


A growing collection of independent activities for use in alphabet learning centers.

Hanging Out the Alphabet
by: T. Smith

This is great for Spelling Center.

  1. Put up a string up like a clothesline.
  2. Write the alphabet on clothespins. (You will write the vowels and several other frequently used letters on more than one clothespin.)
  3. The students use the clothespins to spell out their spelling words on the clothesline.

When they have finished I have them pick out 10 words and write a sentence with them.

Matching Uppercase-Lowercase
B. Schrable

Write uppercase and lowercase letters on round counters ($1.97 at Wal-Mart). Let the children match uppercase and lowercase letters.
It’s also a great assessment tool.

Matching Objects to Letters 
by: Anonymous

  1. Prepare 5×7 index cards with one letter of the alphabet on each card.
  2. Collect minature objects – one or more for each letter Ex: a plastic pumpkin for P, a little ball for B etc.
  3. Have students lay the cards out on the floor.
  4. The student then chooses an object and has to put it on the letter that it begins with.

NOTE: This activity often works better if you split up the letter cards and objects into three baskets. Once the student has mastered one basket of letters and objects he/she can move on to the next. Also, for younger students putting a picture on the letter card as well as the letter is helpful.

Making Words Using Pictures and Magnetic Letters
by: Ashley Becton, Kindergarten Grove Hill Elementary

Use magnetic letters and pictorial flash cards to make words. Students not only are matching the spelling of a word, but also can feel the shape of the letters when placed on a magnetic surface. I use the side of my metal desk as a word building center.

Letter Puzzles – Matching Capital and Lowercase
by: Ashley Becton, Kindergarten Grove Hill Elementary

  1. Take an index card or construction paper divided into eighths.
  2. Write the capital letter on the left and the lower case on the right.
  3. Cut in the middle in an odd way (zigzag, curve, etc.)
  4. Children can then put puzzles together.

Letters for Kinesthetic Learning
by: Ashley Becton, Kindergarten Grove Hill Elementary

  1. Use an Ellison machine to press out letters using different materials: felt, sandpaper, sponge, etc.
  2. Then, place these in a center for children to kinesthetically learn about the shape of letters.

Letter Bags
by: Stacey Mitchell, Kindergarten Teacher

  1. Label 26 ziploc bags each with a letter of the alphabet.
  2. Place inside the bags item which being with each letter sound.
  3. These bags can be used in reading groups and with introducing letter sounds.
  4. For example, when working with the letter “A” the bag could include small plastic apples, alligators, ants, etc.

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